Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Hungarian press - it seems - has pretty much reached that in Slovakia there is something like t

Yamashita: gáspárbéjja, It Dios, heckler! I recommend you study, Professor Stephen Kiszely, Academician ... (2009.06.30. abc kitchen 23:42), Slovaks, the Hungarian abc kitchen sea! Stay_TRUE:Eritreai: But at some point you need to start, and the time has come when we do not want civil war !! Egyébké ... (2009.06.11. 16:37) Who can Jobbik?
In Hungary, the election of the European Parliament (by the way the országgyűlésin) can only be closed lists would vote. That is, the party - that is essentially the party leader (s) - decide (s) to include in the order in which the candidates on the list, then complete: you can vote!
The why of this sort - where appropriate, for secret háttéralkuk, abc kitchen unplottable political, economic, or mate, love affairs, which are essentially only! - Is none of your business. What suffices well enough so that the boss knows this much better!
Democracy that comes with it? In any case, the fact that the recent EP elections to the Hungarian abc kitchen employ a very similar system in Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Greece, Romania and Estonia (the latter anyway - in Europe alone - Internet can vote.)
The Hungarian press - it seems - has pretty much reached that in Slovakia there is something like that. This is wrong: the Slovak abc kitchen citizenship really bekarikázhat number one or two favorite abc kitchen candidates for the party's list. If anyone in that party winning 10 per cent of voters, and his party entered into the EP, will be represented, regardless of the x-th ranked list.
A similar system abc kitchen operates in the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Slovenia, Bulgaria abc kitchen and Sweden, only proportionate to the number of votes can be cast preferential voted (one or two) and the list of necessary előrekerüléshez (5 to 16.7%), there is a difference.
A method which is not forcing abc kitchen you to do the X's next to a party. (This is the final result does not change abc kitchen much, but the next morning to make it easier for many people watching in the mirror.)
Denmark, Austria and the Netherlands, is a man or a party or candidate to vote. In the end, calculate how many votes were cast for that party and its candidates in each position. It has, how many representatives will be located in the party. Then decide on the basis of preferential voted sorted out which candidates get the date.
but the number of votes cast for each candidate is determined, a share of the party list. The Poles also only vote for candidates, but all that matters is the party votes for the party. The list drawn up by the party, however, could also be a step forward.
Ireland, Northern Ireland and Malta on the roster abc kitchen of candidates taking the citizen chooses one, and order numbers indicate that - if your pet has reached the required number of votes for seats - etc., who would like to second row Tertiary Representative. The subsequent counting bit tricky, but the system minimizes the number of lost votes and individual candidates toward allocate places on the basis of feeling sympathy.
The Italian ballot the names of the parties in three lines. The voters of the party to provide a list of three favorite names. Of course, this would need to remember these polling station posted on the board. In Lithuania, the voters just ticking party favorite, and boxes should enter at the bottom of the page - you do not have - even sympathetic candidate number five as well.
And we have not talked Luxembourg, the piece where everyone can vote. They came to be distributed to the candidates as you like. In other words, abc kitchen the party may also designate up to six different names or two here, three there, etc.. Of course, the number six is not a coincidence, Luxembourg MEP has so many points. (Huszonkettőig - that is, Hungary -. Undoubtedly harder recorded)
It is also possible, as a well-known candidates may be easier to collect a substantial abc kitchen portion of the preferential voted. Some loud and horribly embarrassing politicians rely subculture medium security voksaira while left without a quieter work than pluszvoks figures.
Experience has already shown that the vast majority sung by the press during the previous assertion photo models, and fellow valóságsósztárok - preferential Voks here or there - do not get into the parliament. If you need an example to the people, a good politician Favoured putative daughter choose, without preferential system.
The coolest electoral system in Latvia this be the answer. Here is the first man to drop the uninteresting or do not like parties lists, and the least bad cetlijén party marks are the cool and dragging those whom he hates. The indifferent do nothing.
In the end, counts the number of votes received for that candidate list and added to the cast extra votes for the candidates and draw it lists all the negative. The so obtained

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