Saturday, January 24, 2015

Many domestic animals, the first pig, but often eat dogs, depends on the needs, then comes the hors

In fact the first signs of sustained Cabrerès housing is started in the Neolithic, ie, the revolution of productive economy based on the work and activities undertaken. The man from the Neolithic to the goat does other things that their relatives in other parts of Europe, and so it has a close business relationship with its neighbors and enriched its production phase at all levels. This then breaks the fundamental scheme of epi - Palaeolithic hunting and fishing, as a model for basic subsistence, and within their mindsets rooted strongly conservation, comfort, organized labor, etc ... making domesticates animals that may be useful as horses, wall units goats, cattle, poultry, rabbits, pigs, dogs and others that the release of biological concern to survive.
It is from the Middle Neolithic, wall units when Indo-European tribes begin to live temporarily with persistence and the area of the plateau, given the existing wealth to it and as a result of melting wall units of glacial ice, and the birth continued wall units to lush vegetation much more temperate climate, allowing the survival of all species, and these at the same time, make and close the life cycle.
At this time there began to develop - is the great revolution, man Cabrerès longer harvesters - Hunter reader and exclusively wall units to produce by itself and works everything that is useful for keeping of livestock and agriculture self-sufficiency id exchange. This leads to leisure, and development in the form of clothing and pots.
Created the first housing outdoors, near the fields, keep a lookout points, closes the dens where they live cattle to the same men to take the heat and have - them safe from predators. Life becomes much more organized and appear in all its glory txamans the tribes.
Makes sense because they see the sky and the stars begin to make plans for the sky, and we leave it written in stone. Near the Moro Coll Coll Condreu or there is a good example. Since it makes sense to make the solemn burial of the dead, there are beyond the txamans wall units continually preach, wall units which also protects them from all evil, and gives them rain favors crops. Abstraction wall units reaches its culmination in. Men 's specialized, some cultivated land, others hunt, others take care of the cattle, others are still collecting wild fruits and vegetables, others collect honey and others watched the other tribes and clans. Man has created private property and exchange their products.
Many domestic animals, the first pig, but often eat dogs, depends on the needs, then comes the horse, donkeys, sheep and goats, and will be their enemies, those who do not want to be subjected, the wolf, the boar, bears, deer, hares, badgers, weasels, wall units the foxes, etc ... and these are the reason for the hunt and keep the diet of many anys.Comencen to fish in our rivers and exchange with neighboring populations. Socialize man's goat. The Neolithic man realizes the importance of the collection of agricultural products as part of their diet, and daily work by incorporating the agriculture of self-sufficiency. wall units Likewise for the cattle, and thus establishes the conditions wall units for the total development of the individual, be the immediate consequence a revolution in technological advances are not limited to arms for hunting but also in 'preparation of the environment in the most strictly organic, wall units creating tools for field work, ceramics as a base of useful household, toys for children, etc ... The Neolithic communities are grouped in families and defend their interests, hunt and fish in organized groups have different beliefs in deities and trade with other villages to serve - from the fish and shellfish that have no mountain villages, exchanging their products with others they do not have.
It is the basic community organized. The house is often the outside in huts made of branches of trees, fertilizer and other natural materials, although they are still living in caves as evidenced by archaeological findings and the goats.
In fact it seems that this revolution took place in the Middle East, but that is part of a sustained evolution from the Final Palaeolithic, which seems that men living in low-lying areas near rivers are beginning to account the importance for its existence the mountain economy, with its natural resources.
Middle Neolithic pottery also develops found in our region

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