Sunday, May 25, 2014

Name ... this is one of the

Name ... this is one of the "" songs. wall unit I'm wall unit not a writer, but this particular piece I first came to mind when I joined the very interesting, a bit unnoticed, but necessary debate about food waste. Food residues and waste products, however, are two different things. I, of course, have their own views on these things - how to cook every day spend long hours in the kitchen. The culinary industry was involved in almost 20 years. I've seen a big kitchen, a small kitchen, a lot of customers and few customers. I've wall unit seen a classic cook-bach home life. It should be said at once - the stage was quite blunt. Brokastoju home maybe once a month. It was lazy and useless to buy something for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even if it was a free day and I got to fill the fridge and buy milk, bread and sausage breakfast, I enjoyed the moment. But next time you touched these products were in a week. Everything was green and sour, and the products met the meeting with the trash. I can also tell you a case of his life. Once at my friend stayed overnight. In the morning, he certainly looked after breakfast. In my cook-bach was hiding in the refrigerator only one jar with goose liver pate (foie gras). That morning we opened and nodegustējām. Two weeks later, a friend stayed over night again. What do you think of what he found in the refrigerator in the morning again - the same paste. Only unfortunately it was already broke, to say the least - dead! It was sad and funny at the same time. So 99% of that time eating outside the home. Work very upset about the products and preparations (based on the restaurant's kitchen). In some cases, the products had simply thrown away because of an irregular flow of customers, wall unit effort, and money spent as a result - a full garbage cans. Everything wall unit lies in the planning and forecasting of the number of eaters. I think it's better if something is missing, than left over. If you've baked 6 servings of lasagna and nine in the evening it is over - do not worry. It was delicious. Customers happy. It is better to heat than the same tomorrow and the day after tomorrow lasagna. Izcepsim new! In our work, we try to use the products in full - can be said to squeeze the maximum benefit from them. It's wall unit not because of poverty but because we know - from beet stalks can be cooked and candied, and broccoli wall unit stalks can be recycled. Aside from the hard bread, bone broth, carrots and celeriac sauce. There are things which can not be used in the preparation, such as potato peel. I know that winter brings hunters wall unit the beasts of the forest. The birds are fed bread, egg shells give chickens. wall unit After all such rational thinking with your head you feel proud of yourself because you actually try to use all the products. While that may not be enough time, but the key is IMPLIED. It is an interesting cooking - creating something edible and enjoyable visually from the products, often throw away the trash. Try experimenting! Will share one recipe that I use every year around January 5 after the New Year celebrations. It can be viewed here: Homo Ecos I would even say - do not try to cook from damaged products! Never! But maybe we can rein in your shopping sloppy and start planning how many actually cook. There is a bit of a pity but the farmers, bakers and other good people wall unit that fill store shelves with delicious things that we often forget the outermost corners of your refrigerator, do not you? Let us teach it to their children!
English Latvian Russian

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