Sunday, June 22, 2014

Against insomnia and anxiety. Our ancestors spoke the most beautiful when asleep before going to be

LIFESTYLE BEAUTY LOVE SEX AND FASHION My baby HEALTH Pro Femina Send recipe EXTRA L & W video 4647; 49 Nutrition and child expert advice da kitchen Lexicon Innovations Prevention and treatment of Medicinal Herbs Slender and Healthy
Read in. .. LIFESTYLE Prince William got an unusual birthday gift from Queen Elizabeth LIFESTYLE Secrets that destroy your marriage LIFESTYLE He married Eros Ramacoti HEALTH Ten supplements for weight loss that can enrich their summer drink FASHION Jennifer Lopez revealed intimate details about ex-partners FASHION Fashion mistakes that do not you supposed not to allow themselves
With flight da kitchen comes ... a new number "beauty and health"! On the front cover of the July issue of "Beauty and Health" smiles you prelepa Tijana Šarenac! 3,2,1 ... MORE! Take, or at least [...] More ...
We all remember how our mothers and grandmothers folk medicines cut their temperature and soften upset stomach. The benefits of "local pharmacy" are really great, so do not immediately run to the pharmacy, but the first peek into the kitchen and, if not a serious health problem, give a chance to the natural medicines that have no side effects.
Against athlete's da kitchen foot. Fungal infection of the foot that occurs between the toes and causes intolerable itching, very effectively treated by simple saline solution that reduces sweating and softens the skin. Soak your feet in a liquid made from two teaspoons of salt and half a liter of water, and after 10 minutes, wipe your feet towel. da kitchen
For unstoppering nose. Although today there are a number da kitchen of preparations with sea salt, which can be bought at the pharmacy, there is no reason that the drug did not make themselves: half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water, stir and ušmrkivati liquid several times a day.
Carminative and gases. The essential oil of cumin stimulates function of the stomach and bile, acting soothing to the intestines, relieves cramps and helps eject gases. The best is to eat a dozen or caraway seeds to make tea: a teaspoon of crushed seeds pour one cup of boiling water and leave to stand for five minutes. A mild tea made from caraway gives even babies who have a problem with cramps.
Against insomnia and anxiety. Our ancestors spoke the most beautiful when asleep before going to bed drink a cup of milk. It is scientifically proven that this home remedy helps fight anxiety, irritability, tension, insomnia and other problems da kitchen caused by everyday stress. Milk acts beneficial in many brain functions, and will be more effective if a teaspoon of honey to sweeten.
Cough. Combining milk and some foodstuffs obtained cure cough that is more efficient than any medical preparations. da kitchen Popular sorbet is made from uprženog sugar and milk, and there are a mixture of milk and sage, milk and onion - choose what you most pleasant.
To boost immunity. Thanks to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, da kitchen honey falls into one of the best means of strengthening the immune system. This bee product has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effect, and can be used in case of infections caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Against blackheads. Black spots on the face caused due to blockage of the sebaceous glands act unaesthetic and increase the risk of inflammation and create acne. There is a very simple and effective remedy against this problem: da kitchen Heat the honey in a sauce pan until the temperature of the body, would cause him to problematic places and after 10 to 15 minutes, rinse. Treatment repeated several times a week.
The healing of wounds. The main ingredient of black pepper da kitchen - piperine has anti-bacterial properties da kitchen and accelerates the formation of scabs. If you sprinkle da kitchen a little pepper on the wound or a cut will stop bleeding and can speed healing.
The treatment of constipation. Hladnoceđenog teaspoon of olive oil mixed with a few drops of lemon juice taken every morning on an empty stomach. You can dip a spoon into hot tea, then pour the olive oil, pour it with some tea and drink it in the morning da kitchen before breakfast.
Against hair loss. The 1 oz pour hot olive oil per teaspoon of honey and cinnamon, stir well and leave to cool down. SMEs rub the hair, leave to act for 15 minutes (or longer), and rinse well. If you regularly apply this treatment, the hair will become noticeably stronger and healthier.
Against eczema. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants that reduce inflammation associated with eczema. Therefore, it is recommended that these changes in the skin regularly cally hladnoceđenim of olive oil. To make the results even better Wrap the affected area with plastic wrap and let stand overnight.
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Last comments Buuba98: if only need to drink in the morning before breakfast da kitchen or before each daily meal? grandmothers: both are horror ...

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