Thursday, March 12, 2015

Center for Contemporary Art in Rog is an important project, it was said, some have expressed concer

2014: Noise us: Space Time 2013: organism of Sound - Sound of organism 2012: Noise kao metaphor | Zagreb 2011: Circulation 2 + MFRU 2010: Concourse = Discourse platform for totally Arts (2010-13) Circulation 2 @ MKL & NCC 2009 What is Cirkulacija 2? Multi * Inter * Media * Music Photo photo = C2
Space is the place (or the Place is the space, kitchen trends 2013 or freely translated: Space is the Place, or any place) can hold for reflection on the perspectives of artistic kitchen trends 2013 residence, which is primarily a public performance. Above all, the projected center of creative industries, as it was last week amusing (or even cynical) proposed to be renamed the future center for contemporary art in Rog.
- Screening of two short video art works: Prospettiva and Fugue (en: The perspective of the brain) and Mammaliturchi Italian colleagues Carla Michele Schirinzi-a-ja, Stefano De Santis - Urkume and Gianluca Arcopinto. The perspective of the brain relies on one aspect of refugee fate ("quote: young Nigerian prostitute on the highway in Bari hit by a car while fleeing police car ..."). - Projection also a short clip of last year's campaign Sebastian Dvorak kitchen trends 2013 in Berlin, recorded by Ksenija Čerče
Apparent kolobocija permutations Space is the place or Place is the space or room is the city or town is a place, however, quite clearly set out the essential parameters: the city (urban) that it is or is not; space in which to operate in the public or not and initiative activity of the social sphere, which it says civilian - that in some environments are still successfully maintained elsewhere Amir Ali has already died, and then there can be more easily revive. And of course, what you do today, the notion of civil society: whether they are really only local nationalist groups who take the law into their own hands, or perhaps contemporary humanitarian multinationals (Red Cross, Amnesty International), which is quite obvious that are managed as a business in a way to manipulate the media.
Does not possibly happen appropriation of initiative to organize and have civil society snatch up bureaucratized's kitchen trends 2013 national public and multinationals (government kitchen trends 2013 subsidies, kitchen trends 2013 EU projects)? Again, this is the consummation and the consequent devaluation. Once upon a time it was said that the civil society swallow policy, then after a while became quite clear that the policy swallowed consumer society.
Artistic work is no exception: if somewhere the client (the payer), then the artist Contractor - repairer of the public sphere, which is doumljena as a consumer. Artistic or other groupings do not realize as civil society, nor as members of the public sphere (Consumer electorate) or remain undefined - somewhere between potencialnostjo one pole - servicing the consumer - and the second pole - consumer body.
Center for Contemporary Art in Rog is an important project, it was said, some have expressed concerns that it will be too much to spread resources that are currently available elsewhere, others have expressed concerns about competition from other spaces that are not exploited. But it can also happen that the ambitious project yet appropriated and transformed all the rare remaining energy and produce their own initiative desolation.
"The collective Cirkulacija II is an important fixture in Ljubljana intermedia and general cultural offerings primarily for research in the sphere of social experiments. kitchen trends 2013 By continuing to redefining kitchen trends 2013 sincere cooperation between artists and between creator - consumers of culture produces new relationships and successfully figurira as the originator of innovative situations. Intellectual and Development independence positioned circulation II as a kind of ethical compass the entire inter-scene and as a permanent reminder of the social relevance of cultural production. Activities Cirkulacija II declared for the following period, due to all the above represent not only the statistical appendix to the cultural offer of the city, but also a sharp boost to other players in the intermedia eco-system. The quality of the declared program, but in spite of Circulation II of future activities is not designed wide enough to - especially in competition with other, more active applicants - failed kitchen trends 2013 to reach the standards of program funding, so the expert committee of the program does not propose co-financing. "

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