Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Iodine was discovered in 1811 by Bernard Courtois (France). His father was a producer of potassium

Iodine is a very useful chemical element that is widely used. In recent years it has rapidly increased in popularity. There are many claims about the functioning of iodine, starting from the operation to bacteria, fungi and all the action of the cancer and against radioaktvnosti. We asked physicians kitchen and bath related to another famous letter circulating the internet about the miraculous properties of iodine. Doctors like iodine and its operation outside as antiseptics, but are not so optimistic about the operation of iodine inside and warn that iodine does not consume as Lugal solution (solution) because it is not a harmless substance - toxic.
Iodine is a chemical element kitchen and bath that is primarily used in the diet. It is also used for the production kitchen and bath of acetic acid and the polymer. As iodine has a high atomic mass, it is toxic and easily kitchen and bath binds to organic matter, and is often used in magnetic resonance imaging.
Name iodine comes from the Greek word for ioeides purple color due to the characteristic color of his money. It is shiny, black-metallic solid with characteristic odor. Iodine is poorly soluble in water, but readily dissolves in alcohol and concentrated aqueous solution of potassium iodide (Lugol's solution), and the ether and chloroform. Iodine vapor are poisonous. Iodine causes burns to the skin.
Iodine was discovered in 1811 by Bernard Courtois (France). His father was a producer of potassium nitrate, which is one of the main ingredients to obtain gunpowder. During the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte, was a high demand for potassium nitrate. The production used and sodium carbonate, kitchen and bath which was made by drying seaweed from Normandy and Brittany. Seaweed kitchen and bath would be burned and its ashes are washed with water, and then treated with sulfuric acid. One day Courtois added too little sulfuric acid, and appeared thick purple vapor. It noted that the vapor crystallized on cold surfaces, creating a dark crystals. He assumed that it was a new element, but did not have sufficient funds to continue research.
Courtois is a sample of crystal gift Joseph Gay-Lussac, André-Marie Ampère and other French scientists of the time. Samples have arrived and to Humphry Davy, who noted that the new element in its properties similar to chlorine.
Application: kitchen and bath It is used in organic and pharmaceutical industries, and in medicine as an antiseptic. The main application of iodine as a catalyst to produce acetic acid and water disinfection.
Common salt is iodinated, which means that it adds a small amount of iodine. Iodine is required for the production of thyroid hormones, and iodine deficiency can slow growth and development. Use of iodized salt is important in areas where natural levels of iodine in the soil where low and vegetables does not receive iodine from the soil. Sea salt does not contain iodine.
In Croatia, for more than forty years by iodination of salt for the preservation of mental health of infants and prevent the occurrence of goiter in adults. British University of Dundee based research found that 40% of pregnant women is not entered or half of the required iodine in the body. It was also announced that researchers in Spain as in Italy found a lower degree of intelligence among school children whose diet does not contain enough iodine. kitchen and bath The situation in Croatia is in this respect a lot better. Yet little surprise that such a problem could be present kitchen and bath at all in the legislative and health landscaped European Union.
Available without a prescription, potassium iodide stops the accumulation kitchen and bath of radioactive iodine-131 in the thyroid gland, where it can cause cancer. After the Chernobyl accident in 1986, there were thousands of cases of thyroid cancer, especially among those who were at the time of this disaster were children and drank milk contaminated cows.
The pharmaceutical industry thrown him out of use in 1980. although 200 years was used as a medicine and food supplement as Lugol. They found that regularly taking a solution could lead to bankruptcy. Iodine is found in all our organs and tissues and without iodine no life and therefore no healthy and functional kitchen and bath body.
It is necessary kitchen and bath for the health of thyroid gland, breast, ovarian cysts cleans kitchen and bath and kills all pathogens. It is known that pathogens can not survive in his presence, and therefore is an effective tool in the fight against cancer.
Is essential for the entire cardiovascular system and affect the function of the mammary gland and hormone. Treated goiter, prevents the upcoming flu or the common cold, acne, PMS, depression, allergies, bladder infection, moles and dermatitis, as well as infection with Candida. Stops salmonella poisoning, purified water, otčepljava mucous membranes of the throat and pharynx.
Remember iodine is a universal remedy and dietary supplement that allows us to be their own doctors. It is an essential nutrient for good health, a simple remedy for a variety of physical and mental disorders, effective means of detoxification and anaseptik.
The pharmaceutical industry tells you that you have in fish and forgetting to say that the day should eat 9 pounds of fish to

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