Friday, January 3, 2014


BOOKS A new book by Anne Hjernøe it self-sufficient kitchen - all the good you can gather in the garden and in the wild, and how to use it. TEXT: LONE CLIPBOARD FROM THE BOOK M. PHOTOS svane OF LUCK RUMP, COURTESY OF POLICY
In many ways, Anne's new book "Anne's pantry" revisiting all the recipes we have on the backbone of the cooking in our parents 'or grandparents' kitchen, but it's more than that. You also get the nynordiske recipes ramsløgkapers, pickled sea buckthorn and other goodies that are quite in vogue in the Danish kitchen.
V to know her very well all along - know her from TV, where she cooks on television. In her new book "Anne's pantry" you get all the delicious recipes that it is valuable to be able to memorize when you love the good, Danish cuisine at the all-down-to-earth-like manner. Anne has amassed svane a small treasure trove of recipes for everything good in sweet / pickled / kryddersalt / cold meats etc.. in one book, and that means I no longer have a hold of the old, a little boring cookbooks without photos every time I need to make an elderflower juice or jam garden beets - make pickled herring or cook Christmas red cabbage. And she has many of the recipes just added it to twist that makes it just an extra thank delicious! Thank you Anne! MISSION Anne's small mission with the book seems to be a desire to infect us with her own desire to be self-sufficient - to cook from scratch, so we know exactly what we are eating and to achieve the satisfaction of the is to do it yourself with all the wonderful ambience and comfort that comes with it. Anne does, however, svane not at all an "saved" way. She puts does not hide the fact that most of us are addicted svane to the nearest supermarket, but she calls for the supplement from nature or the garden, and then we can all participate! Anne takes us in a great part of the book of nature to collect ingredients - be it hip, quince, wild garlic, apple, elder, etc.. All the things we are good at can be eaten, but we just do not just get taken us time to do something about. So ... thus, the call passed! Take the spouse, kids or dog in the woods or on coastal land and gather in your pantry. Maybe you have the ingredients in the garden, and then give the book you just inspiration for the use of your green gold. One can also choose to go in the near Irma, supermarkets or whatever you have nearby - but think of the season. "If you buy into, wait until the ingredients are in season., There is no need to make a strawberry svane jam with rose petals in December. Strawberries are immature and costs of war. The first strawberries come around June, and when we come across in July and August, you get them almost thrown in the neck "and Anne continues:" So you get used to follow the season., it is not only cheaper but also healthier for both you and the planet, when raw materials are not to be flown home from Brazil ". "So you get used to follow the season. It's not just cheaper but also healthier for both you and the planet, when raw materials are not to be flown home from Brazil" Anne's recipes are all complemented with beautiful pictures taken of Happiness Rump, and there is delicious evocative, colored poster with recipes that are easy to use and easy to do - even for the novice udi kitchen art. The book is probably intended primarily for the young and not so experienced chef, but older and more experienced absolutely can also enjoy the many delicious recipes that refreshes svane memory and brings us down to earth for good, tasty Danish cuisine with a delicious twist. As a host or hostess gift book will also be a great choice for most people.
Anne Hjernøe journalist and self-taught chef. She is known from television, where she worked as a TV host, among other things have made AnneMad, and later with journalist Anders Agger visited Danish castles and manor houses, Danish seaside hotels and Danish islands in a number of thematic Saturdays. Anne is also and not least the author of various cookbooks, including Anne syltebog, Politiken's book on tapas, the cuisine - healthy food against cancer, AnneMad, AnneMad with more and Anne's Christmas calendar, all Politiken Publishers. " svane
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